

In 1960s & 1970s, 4-Penelope (Penny) Flynt King 1949-, 4-Robert (Bobby) King III 1946-, POSTS on March 21, 2010 at 9:02 am

(Editor’s note: I’m guessing this is 1975 or 1976, and it is definitely in the United Kingdom, before I was born. Daddy/Bobby notes, with engineering specificity, that this is a photo of “car w/wife. Bedroom window is at crossing of arrows.” Line up the arrows to see where they lived.)

  1. This was our apartment at 236 Harrowdene Gardens, Teddington, Middlesex. It was actually on the third floor, but the English don’t count the ground floor. We lived there until we knew Carey was on the way, when we worked out a way to move to 5 Harrowdene Gardens, which had two (rather than one) bedrooms, and was on the ground floor. And we gained a patio.
    The car was our old Austin 1100 which we drove all over creation. It was so small that Penny could wash the whole roof standing on one side of the car. We sold this one to a college student and upgraded to a Triumph 2000 sedan. That one was stolen, so our last car was a Triumph 1300 station wagon.
    Roger, the guy who gave Carey her white/yellow stuffed rabbit lived in an apartment in the building behind Penny. I think he grew marijuana in his bathtub. One time he (and his girlfriend) took a trip and he asked me to “water his plants.” I didn’t know what marijuana looked like at the time, but later saw a picture of one, and thought, “I’ve seen that before.”

  2. Wait, let me get this straight. My dear beloved Bunny — who still sleeps with me sometimes — has his origins in a drug ring?

  3. NO, Carey!!
    Entirely different bunny.
    He’s not referring to THE bunny… one you still adore which was a birthday party present from Marlena, classmate at Bangert Elementary.

  4. Whew! Which bunny are we talking about here, then? That little tiny knitted one that sat on the shelf for a while?

  5. No, that sweet tiny bunny was crotcheted by the then 98 years old Wyn Pollard in Teddington.
    The “drug bunny” was not imported.

  6. This is hilarious!
    I have seen some Easter bunnies at the malls this season who look like they might be related to this mystery drug bunny.

  7. lol. I agree, Jessica.

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